
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Welcome Back, Comrades!

Hello again, this is my blog - rebooted.

My previous one was a wreck, filled with nonsense that won't be of any assistance to anybody, so this time I aim for a small piece of the internet where I could post helpful articles, progress of any current projects of mine, source code to programs I write, and generally anything which could potentially serve some kind of purpose.

Also, I decided to go with a Fallout theme. The woman in this blog's banner is my version of the Lone Wanderer from Fallout 3. It looks better than the previous one, too.

Then there is the title. Why "Escape The Vault"? Well, these are my adventures. This is me, finding my own way out of this situation. What will I find beyond? I don't know, but I'll find out eventually.

Until next time!

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